Giving Voice

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Engaging with the Council

Yesterday I went to County Hall, Morpeth to meet with local councillor Marcia Bircham (Haydon Ward, Northumberland County Councillor). We discussed Giving Voice and Speech and Language Therapy. She was already aware of some of the work of the profession but did not realise how wide spread this is.

The meeting lasted about 15 minutes and I left 3 copies of the councillor ‘leave behind’ information sheet (from RCSLT), which she is going to read and then pass onto the Executive member for Children and the Executive member for adults (both of whom I have previously written to). I also left the executive summary and England Appendices (for savings) of the Matrix Evidence Report. I left a number of leaflets and a couple of pens.

I felt the meeting was productive and I feel confident that she will read the information and then share it will the relevant people. Hopefully when the Executive members see the Giving Voice information on their desk it will remind them of the letter and previous email that I sent them. J Ms Bircham tells me that August is a quiet month in terms of the council (no scrutiny committees etc) so hopefully they will have time to read and digest the information.

So far I am finding it difficult to engage with councillors as they are so busy. However, it is worth persevering, as for me, this did result in a meeting. Hopefully, I can meet some more councillors in the coming months (I am going to contact other members of the Health and Well Being Board for Northumberland, as these boards will be a powerful new player in health and are a forum to encourage local commissioners to work together.)

If you haven’t already written to any of your councillors, why not do something about it now? There is a list of information on the Giving Voice website to assist with engaging with councillors. The RCSLT are happy to help if you have any questions and if there is anything I can do to help just let me know. J You can find out about your local councillors at  
Cllr Marcia Bircham supporting Giving Voice

Monday, 22 August 2011

Making Arrangements

I received an email today about confirming the rearranged appointment to meet with my local councillor so I will be meeting with her to discuss Giving Voice on Wednesday at 2pm. Watch out for the follow up on here after the meeting :)
Also, here are photos of the piece in the August Creeful of Coals, as promised earlier in the month:D

Sunday, 21 August 2011

It's been a while..

My Giving Voice blog has fallen somewhat to the wayside over the last few weeks. I’ve been away on holiday as well as fulfilling my summer holiday duties as an Auntie! J

The last few weeks have been quieter in terms of my Giving Voice involvement, although not forgotten about completely. I went on holiday with my family and all 8 of us wore Giving Voice stickers on our outbound and return flights, to help get the message out there a little bit more.

I have just sent a message to the local office of the WI to briefly explain Giving Voice, and to ask if they would like a guest speaker (me!) to talk to their members about the campaign. Fingers crossed I will get a response (I emailed a little while ago and didn’t hear anything back, so thought I would try again.)

I emailed my local councillor about rearranging to meet up with her about Giving Voice so hopefully I will be able to meet her soon J

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Creeful of.. stickers

My first entry for August! (I know it’s only 4 days in!)
The August issue of A Creeful of Coals (local history publication edited by councillor Mike Kirkup) has a write up of my stall at Wansbeck Gala Day and some photos (as well a little bit of information about speech and language therapy and Giving Voice).  (photo of the piece, to follow).
I went to Beamish Open Air Museum with 3 family members yesterday and we were all wearing Giving Voice stickers. The sticker my uncle was wearing attracted attention from one person which led to a brief discussion of Giving Voice J We also bumped into some people we knew (and being as prepared as ever!) I provided each of them with a Giving Voice sticker and explained the campaign. If you haven’t already made some stickers of your own, why not give it a go – wear them when you are out and about and Give some Voice :D