Yesterday afternoon I made a phone call and arranged to attend a local over 50’s club to talk to the members there about Giving Voice and Speech and Language Therapy.
Those of you who know me personally know how much I like to talk, and as you may be aware, I am passionate about the Giving Voice campaign and the profession, so being given the opportunity to go and talk about it for about an hour is almost a dream come true!
I have arranged the talk for Tuesday 4th October at 1pm. This is slightly sooner than I would have liked but as the group only meets once a fortnight it would have been the beginning of November if I didn’t go on October 4th (as I will be in London on October 18th for Mass Mobilisation – it’s not too late to sign up, here!)
The prospect of keeping 60 people of the older generation interested and engaged in what I have to say, for up to an hour is slightly daunting and feels like a bit of a challenge. However, I am always up for a challenge and feel this is an opportunity not to be missed! Who knows who could be sitting in the audience or who they may know?!
I am planning on having a little Speech and Language related quiz towards the end of the session, to keep them entertained and to see if they’ve been listening :-) I am also hoping that some people will complete a speech bubble to show their support of the campaign.
If anyone has any ideas they’d like to share with me that they think will appeal to the older generation then please do get in touch with me J I want the session to be as interactive and as positive as possible in the hope that as least one person will go on to tell someone else about the campaign and the important work of a Speech and Language Therapist!
The lady I telephoned to arrange the talk was lovely and very keen to arrange for me to attend (she even invited me to stay for a game of bingo after my talk!) If you have some spare time on your hands and know of a group that welcome guest speakers, why not see if you can go along and Give Voice?